Configure the WSUS Server

  1. Download WSUS 3.0 SP2 from Microsoft Download Centre
  2. Install these components, using add roles in Windows 2008:
    1. Windows Authentication
    2. Static Content
    3. ASP.NET
    4. IIS 6.0 Management Compatibility
    5. IIS 6.0 Metabase Compatibility
  3. Download and install Microsoft Report Viewer, version 2005 or later (current version is Report Viewer 2008)
  4. Download and install WSUS 3.0 SP2 (current version of WSUS)
  5. Choose full installation as we don't have any WSUS installed before.
  6. After the installation finish, it will run WSUS automatically. On the Choose Upstream Server page, select synchronize from Microsoft update (since we don't have any other WSUS server).
  7. Ensure that Launch The Windows Server Update Serveices Administration Console and untick begin initial synchronization. Click finish and you done with the basic settings.

Configure the WSUS Client without joining domain

  1. Run gpedit.msc (start, run, type gpedit.msc) on client's computer. This option is only available for Windows Pro, Business and Ultimate version.
  2. Go to Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, Windows Components, and Windows Update.

  3. Change the setting of Specify Intranet Microsft Update Service Location

  4. Tick the Enabled radio button, and specify the source of the update location (in my case, the server name is server01)

Press ok, and you are good to go. Open your windows update program, and try to check for update. If you experience 8024001b error, go to my other post here.


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