Clicking Program v1.1

This just a small program I created using autoIT programming to do cheat on Facebook game. Really waste of time I know, but still I want to publish it here. Who knows someone can find the program useful for other purposes :D

The program is very simple, you just run it under Windows environment. Put how many times you want to click, and then point to place you want to click, and then the program will start clicking automatically.

Here is the screen shot after I use the program to cheat on Click Challenge v2 Facebook

See the huge gap between me and the real winner? unfortunately the maximum clicking point already set to 700 so I can't go beyond it. Ow and the pic is blurred to keep the confidentiality of my friends ^^

So, here is the link to download the program. Enjoy and use it wisely. Any usage problem just put a comment below.


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